On 20th June, SEED organised a National Dialogue Forum to discuss ways to develop approaches and partnerships that capitalise on the success of eco-inclusive entreprises. Let’s find out more!
On 20th June, SEED organised a National Dialogue Forum to discuss ways to develop approaches and partnerships that capitalise on the success of eco-inclusive entreprises with the goal of increasing the sector’s size and impact both on a local level and globally. The theme of the dialogue was “Realising Green and Low-Carbon Economies with Eco-Inclusive Entreprises.”
The event is part of the implementation of “Financing and capacity building for micro and small climate-smart enterprises: Filling the gap of the missing middle”, a project supported by the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety via the International Climate Initiative (ICI) and of “Promoting Eco-Entrepreneurship in Africa”, a SWITCH-Africa Green multi-country project in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Kenya, Mauritius, South Africa and Uganda.
We represented Bioafriq Energy in this forum to network with fellow participants. BioAfriq is part of the SAG-SEED program that is offering technical support and capacity building to the company and is also under the replicator program under SEED.
Interesting fact, IUCN is one of the founding partners of SEED together with UN Environment and United Nations Development Programme – UNDP