Impact Investing

We believe in creating better lives for communities through cultivating strategic partnerships  for impact” with stakeholders in all eco-systems.

This approach ensures improved livelihoods for communities at large.  


We focus on empowering communities by making basic and essential resources more accessible to them. We do this by investing in innovative businesses with a social impact. These businesses in turn, through their success, improve livelihoods through cost-saving modules. 

Active Partners
Lives Impacted
Nations Represented

Criteria for Impact Investing

In compliance with the UN Global goals, we screen for impact following a due diligence process. We particularly pay attention to to these indicators:

  1. Number of jobs created;

  2. Cost-saving solutions;

  3. Environmental consciousness;

  4. Gender sensitivity;

  5. Improved Livelihood;

  6. Spin-off impact on surrounding community;

We are looking for projects and companies which show us their strong will and know-how. Our way of doing impact investing follows strict criteria. Some of the skills and conditions we pay particular attention to are: 

  1. Strong team in place;
  2. Strong marketing strategy or business plan;

  3. Clear valuation of the company ( based on financial modelling, although we would seek to build capacity in these companies prior to investing);

  4. Potential to build traction or scale;

visit our sister company BLI Global Capital to learn more about our investment portfolio

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